Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Teachers Seek New Ways to Champion Evolution

Darwin's Dangerous Idea: Evolution and the Meanings of LifeThe problem with arguments from belief is that they are immune to facts. The fact that the religious right cannot conceive of a universe that might be created through random probabilities does not mean that intelligent design is correct. By arguing that Darwinism is merely an unproven theory and that, in support of fairness, it cannot be taught as fact but must be countered with another explanation such as intelligent design is nothing more than a bold insertion of one (of many) creation stories into the curriculum.

The Blind Watchmaker: Why the Evidence of Evolution Reveals a Universe Without DesignBut teachers (generally thinking, rational people) are able to circumvent the attacks on Darwin and overcome religious objections to the whole mess we are in. Here is a tidbit from NPR.

The competition between evolution and intelligent design is not limited to the courtroom. Students who believe the theory of evolution conflicts with their faith are bringing the battle to the classroom. That's forcing teachers to find new ways to defend their belief in science.

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