Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Omaha Schools Split Along Race Lines

As Omaha Schools Split Along Race Lines, I must ask the question, "What is going wrong with my country?" When a school district divides itself along lines of race or ethnicity the conclusions that follow are not in keeping with the principles and aspirations of American democracy. Since its founding as a secular union of diverse peoples, this nation has worked toward expanding the notion of equality and access. While not perfect by a long shot, the effort to include have been far greater than any efforts to exclude. By dividing the Omaha district into three racially distinct units, each with its own local control of schools, Nebraska has opted to go down a very slippery road. What is next? Shall Nebraska be the first state in the union to pass racial purity laws similar to those passed in Germany in the 1930's? Shall Nebraska move to ban Blacks and Hispanics from the voting booth, obtaining licences to drive automobiles, or shall they merely tax Blacks and Hispanics more than Whites? Oh, yes, what about Jews and Catholics, gay people, handicapped people, the homeless and oh my the list could go on for a long time? During the past several years of the Bush administration I have felt less safe, less optomistic and far less a part of the America I thought I knew.

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